While I have previously assiduously avoided venturing into current politics, the legislation being proposed by the Republican controlled Senate is misguided and is not only "mean" but frankly cruel to the neediest and most vulnerable members of our society. 33 million children are covered by CHIP and Medicaid, representing one in three pediatric patients who would be at risk. Are we to seriously fund proposed tax cuts and save 800 million dollars on the backs of children and the destitute?
I do believe in a globally capped healthcare budget which is the model for most other international health care systems. The continuing pattern in the United States of writing a blank check to a medical industrial complex which charges shameless prices for drugs, surgeries and services must end. The 3.4 trillion dollars being spent annually is predicted to reach 4.2 trillion by 2020. The Swiss model of care should be carefully considered by our society for remedying the profound weaknesses of both Obamacare and death spiral our country is facing in escalating healthcare costs. The Swiss spend 11% of their GNP on Healthcare. We are projected to reach over 20% in the next few years with much worse health outcomes, a huge uninsured population and greater dissatisfaction with the system. It is ironic that the healthcare system which we tout as the best in the world in keeping us healthy, could ultimately lead to our economic demise. Many predict financial collapse of our economy when the percentage of our GNP for healthcare reaches over 25% to 30%.
Here are 7 common sense approaches to reversing the downward spiral of our healthcare delivery system
1. Moving from a Sick Care Model to a Wellness model.
2. Creating a budget for healthcare and prioritizing which services provide the greatest benefit for the largest number of individuals.
3. Establishing a core set of essential health care benefits which should be available to all.
4. Moving to reimbursement only for treatments and diagnostic test which are evidence based and have an impact on outcomes. See
5. Work with self insured employers, who represent 57% of the market, and have completely aligned incentives to promote wellness and keep employees/patients away from doctors /hospitals and invest in prevention
6. Revitalize patient engagement and shared decision making which has been shown to save money and increase satisfaction. See
7. Redirect resources to the social determinants of health. Using a SF-12v2™ Health Survey, which takes 60 seconds to fill out, you can learn more about outcomes and health care expense rather than hiring expensive population health management consultants who will spend endless hours data mining the EMR or claims and not identify actionable interventions to promote health and save money.
Please call and make the democratic system work!
The following are Senators who have voiced concerns about the bill, or whose constituents might be disproportionately hurt by its passage. If you have friends, family or a colleague in their states, ask them to reach out and ask them to stop this harmful bill from moving forward.
Senator Lisa Murkowski:
Senator Dan Sullivan:
Senator Jeff Flake:
Senator Tom Cotton:
Senator Cory Gardner:
Senator Bill Cassidy:
Senator Susan Collins:
Senator Dean Heller:
Senator Rob Portman:
Senator Pat Toomey:
Senator Shelley Moore Capito:
I once again ask all those committed to helping the most vulnerable in our society to speak up and stop this misguided legislation. Neither Obamacare or Trumpcare address the need to provide preventative and comprehensive health care services in our society
By refocusing our energies on compassion and prevention we can live healthier happier lives.
Copyright Nicolas Argy 2017
Nicolas Argy, M.D., J.D. Health/Business Consultant/Educator, Patient Safety, Quality, Risk Management, Public Health