Apr 10, 2016
Stanford has built an award winning ERM program which has saved their institution millions of dollars.
The answer to the following questions will determine if you are leaving money on the table.
Does your institution have the in house resources and skill sets to reproduce Stanford's amazing success? Do you currently outsource your ERM? Have you transitioned from traditional loss avoidance/mitigation RM to ERM to create value? Do you routinely quantify subjective risk and enter it into a probability distribution to assess total program value and ROI for your institutional strategy?
If you have embraced ERM or are transitioning to it, then you will be well positioned to succeed in value driven, patient centric ACA environment.
Fortunately there are many free resources to take advantage of value based strategic ERM
Nicolas Argy, M.D., J.D. Health/Business Consultant/Educator, Patient Safety, Quality, Risk Management, Public Health