Are masks here to stay?
The United States has recently understood the public health importance of wearing masks during a pandemic but interestingly many cultures especially in Asia use masks on a regular basis in public and in private situations in the absence of a pandemic for protection.
Many in the United States have questioned the wisdom of this practice. Even more Western cultures cast a quizzical eye on Asian countries where mask wearing is much more routine. Is this skepticism justified?
Clearly even after the pandemic with Covid-19 is over we will be facing repeated episodes of influenza other virus variants of Covid 19 and or other pathogens not currently identified
We will be creating a new norm if we accept and validate that using masks especially during winter months when we are indoors and when spread of communicable viruses and other illnesses is highest makes sense Moving forward it is highly likely that a large segment of the population will wear masks in those high risk situations. We should encourage the use of masks especially in high risk situations and with high risk individuals
It also completely makes sense that we should be asking our most vulnerable to be wearing mask during the winter. Including those with pre-existing conditions, the elderly, immunocompromised as well as those at higher risk for any other reason. Even without Covid 19 masks could reduce influenza infections dramatically especially in the high-risk population with little or no downside risk
It is long overdue that whenever entering a physician's office regardless of the pandemic mass be provided to all those and other healthcare settings like hospitals and clinics should adopt the same policy
Even better for those with symptoms or at high risk visiting a healthcare facility they should remain in their car and be called when an available examination room opens for them to minimize their time with in the healthcare facility
Now is the time for us to be reflecting on best courses of action moving forward so that we minimize the communication of viruses and protect the population
“I think we do need a new culture of masks, at least any time not feeling well, and I think masks are in and handshakes out for the indefinite future,” said Dr. Tom Frieden, the former director of the C.D.C.
Masks are here to say and should be embraced
We have nothing to lose and millions of lives to gain
Nicolasargy copyright 2021